Getting started


It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the python programming language and best practices in software engineering before delving into this tutorial. The MolSSI education hub provides plenty of materials on software development that make this tutorial easier to follow and understand.

Package creation

There are infinite ways you could build your own components in MMIC. An easy and quick way to get started is by using cookiecutter, which you can install via pip and then interactively run to create a git repository:

pip install cookiecutter
cookiecutter gh:molssi/cookiecutter-mmic

After you’re done answering all the questions, you should end up with a git directory that has a tree structure similar to this:

├── mmic_pkg
│   ├── components
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── data
│   │   ├── look_and_say.dat
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├── models
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├── tests
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   └──

The MMIC cookiecutter is based on the CMS cookiecutter, which provides a lot of useful tools for continuous integration and package management. Of notable importance to MMIC are the pkg_name/models dir which stores all the models, and the ‘components’ dir which stores all the components.

Package customization

For the purpose of this tutorial, we’re going to use the mmic_pkg template to create a component that computes the number of atoms from a given molecular formula. Let’s begin by 1st defining the input and output models for this component.


In the ‘pkg_name/models’ dir, you’ll find a file which defines a Model shown in the Model-template tab.

from mmelemental.models.base import ProtoModel

__all__ = ["InputModel", "OutputModel"]

class InputModel(ProtoModel):
    """ An input model for mmic_pkg. """


class OutputModel(ProtoModel):
    """ An output model for mmic_pkg. """

from mmelemental.models.base import ProtoModel

__all__ = ["InputModel", "OutputModel"]

class InputModel(ProtoModel):
    """ An input model for mmic_pkg. """

    mol_formula: str

class OutputModel(ProtoModel):
    """ An output model for mmic_pkg. """

    natoms: int

We’re going to define 2 required fields: mol_formula of type str in InputModel and natoms of type int in OutputModel as shown in the Model tab.


Now that we’ve defined our models, we need to work on the component that uses the models. In the ‘pkg_name/components’ dir, you’ll find a that defines a Component class shown in the Component-template tab.

from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from mmic.components.blueprints import SpecificComponent
from ..models import *

__all__ = ["Component"]

class Component(SpecificComponent):
    """ A sample component that defines the 3 required methods. """

    def input(cls):
        return InputModel

    def output(cls):
        return OutputModel

    def execute(
        inputs: InputModel,
        extra_outfiles: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        extra_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        scratch_name: Optional[str] = None,
        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[bool, OutputModel]:

        # Convert input dictionary to model
        if isinstance(inputs, dict):
            inputs = self.input()(**inputs)

        # Populate kwargs from inputs
        return True, OutputModel(**kwargs)
from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from mmic.components.blueprints import SpecificComponent
from ..models import *

__all__ = ["Component"]

class Component(SpecificComponent):
    """ A sample component that defines the 3 required methods. """

    def input(cls):
        return InputModel

    def output(cls):
        return OutputModel

    def execute(
        inputs: InputModel,
        extra_outfiles: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        extra_commands: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        scratch_name: Optional[str] = None,
        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Tuple[bool, OutputModel]:

        # Convert input dictionary to model
        if isinstance(inputs, dict):
            inputs = self.input()(**inputs)

        natoms = 0
        for symb in inputs.mol_formula:
            if symb.isdigit():
                natoms += int(symb) - 1
                natoms += 1

        return True, OutputModel(natoms=natoms)

Note the 3 required methods already defined in this component:

  • input: classmethod that returns the input schema/model
  • output: classmethod that returns the output schema/model
  • execute: method that recevies an input modal, does the execution, and returns an output model

Note also that Component is a subclass of GenericComponent, which under the hood uses the cls.input to validate the input data and cls.output to validate the output data self.execute returns. This is achieved via the GenericComponent.compute method, which should not be overwritten. Otherwise, developers can attach any other method of their choice to Component. For more info on how components are designed, see the MMIC repository.

We’re going to modify the self.execute method by counting the number of atoms in the supplied molecular formula, then return the output model. Note that the boolean variable True signifies successful execution. The code is shown in the Component tab.

Putting it altogether

You can now use included with mmic_pkg to install the component. From the root directory run:

pip install .

Using this component is straight forward as shown below.

import mmic_pkg

mfor = "CH4"
input = mmic_pkg.models.InputModel(mol_formula=mfor)
output = mmic_pkg.components.Component.compute(input)

print(f"Number of atoms in {mfor} is {output.natoms}")
import mmic_pkg

mfor = ['CH4']
input = mmic_pkg.models.InputModel(mol_formula=mfor)
output = mmic_pkg.components.Component.compute(input)

print(f"Number of atoms in {mfor} is {output.natoms}")

In the Valid tab, the mol_formula is of type str, which leads to successful execution:

  Number of atoms in CH4 is 5

In the Invalid tab, the mol_formula is a list, which causes pydantic to raise a validation error.

  Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 5, in <module>
    input = mmic_pkg.models.InputModel(mol_formula=mfor)
  File "pydantic/", line 400, in pydantic.main.BaseModel.__init__
pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for InputModel
  str type expected (type=type_error.str)

As you can see, components in the MMIC world use pydantic to parse and validate the input and output data they receive and produce. For more information on data validation, see the tutorial on data validation.

Package deployment

You can package and deploy your component the same way you would with any other python package. See the official python resource for more info on packages and the Python Package Index (PyPi).